Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pan Mass Challenge, Beth goes to the Middle East

Its been a whirlwind for the Murphys!

Saturday I participated in my first ever Pan Mass Challenge - I did the one day, 85 mile bike ride from Wellesley to Bourne - raising over $3000 for Dana Farber in the process - and loved every minute of it!

The first thing Isabelle said to me when she saw me after the ride was "Daddy I'm so proud of you!"

Sunday was family day. We took care of some shopping for Beth's big trip - she left for the Middle East - Jordan, Syria and Iraq - yesterday, and Daddy and Isabelle rode the carousel several times at the Mall while Mommy shopped. Then we walked Main Street Falmouth, where Beth and Isabelle played catch, and ended up at the Golden Swan, our favorite Indian restaurant. Great weekend!