Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

(Briana and Anika riding the Gondola down from lunch at the top.)

Dateline: Stowe, Vermont - Trapp Family Lodge

Chicken pot pie in hand, we arrive at Trapp just in time for dinner. Isabelle and Anika quickly lock themselves up in the bedroom and spend the next two hours squealing. Bonnie, Michael, RJ, Lexi and Ethan arrive next. After watching Michael unpack for several hours, we begin taking wagers on what they didn't bring!

The next morning Dennis and I head to the little store for some yummy breakfast (i.e. bacon). We notice how still the air is, and report back to everyone that there isn't a whisper of a breeze outside. When we get to the mountain, we take the gondola across the street to rent skis. That's where we learn that the mountain is shut down because of the high winds.

The pool! All five cousins have a blast splashing around. New fondu. Oh, Swiss Pot how we long for you. Although you didn't have a former almost-Olympian as your waiter. (Or was it that he grabbed a bag of chips and watched the Olympics?)

The next day, Anika learns to ski first thing in the morning! Go, Anika!

Isabelle takes to the slopes that afternoon!