Monday, January 19, 2009

Adventures in Sledding

I was determined to go sledding today. Nevermind that there were lakebeds at the bottom of every hill from the rain. And nevermind that we didn't have a sled! Isabelle had never been sledding, and it was time! After spending a good part of the morning calling every Walmart, Target, Kmart and Sears in a 50 mile radius, Auntie Briana had the answer: the local hardware store! Thanks to Eastman's Hardware on Main Street, we are now the proud owners of three sleds and two giggle sticks (hardware stores really do have everything!).

We hit the hills at the Cape Cod Country Club on Boxberry Hill Road. Daddy jumped in the saucer and Isabelle held on tight for her first run which included a puddle jump. She stayed dry, but Dad didn't!

After several runs with Mom and Dad, Isabelle was ready to tackle a mini-hill on her own! Go, baby, go!

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