Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Obama Craze

Obama. It's a name designed for babies. Every sound - Oh, Ba, Ma - is among the first uttered by any infant. But we had more than the sounds going for us - and we were excited that Isabelle seemed to have a firm grasp on recognizing our new president. She would wag her little finger at her Obama children's books and every magazine cover. Then we went for a dip in the Holiday Inn pool where a dark-skinned Indian father was playing with his two children. "Obama! Obama! Obama!" Isabelle began yelling. Fortunately, since these sounds are so recognizable among small children, the man thought she was calling for Ma Ma. I dutifully rushed to her side to support this!

In other Isabelle news:

Last night she burped in the middle of dinner and quickly (and unprompted) said, "Excuse me."

Every scratch, pimple, red spot on her or anyone else elicits this reaction: "Kitty got you!" Still practicing her pronouns, we sometimes hear - "Kitty got you - ME!" Even the nurse heard this after giving her shots at the 18-month check up.

Speaking of the doctor's visit, Isabelle has new stats: At 33.5" and 26lbs, she is 97% height and 75% weight.

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