Thursday, May 28, 2009

Going Where the Fishes Go

We're now the proud parents of a 21-month-old who spurts out 12-word compound sentences: "I go poop in the potty, and I go tinkle in the ocean!" Isabelle announced this morning.

My friend, Kristen, asked me today, "Is she fresh yet?" If you consider it fresh to put the toothpaste tube in your ear when we say, "Don't put it in your mouth" (she'd eat the whole tube if we allowed it) -- then, Yes! Isabelle showed off her kilt to her friends yesterday (and I got some nice video of it before a very last minute trip to Seattle), and is still talking about the train that scared the daylights out of her last week when it passed behind her school with its horn blaring. "Choo choo coming," she says morning, noon and night with a very worried expression on her face.

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