Saturday, May 16, 2009

Open for the Season

The Chart Room is open for the season! Isabelle enjoyed her first quahog of the summer (surprisingly served in a cardboard shell), and the never-disappointing baked stuffed lobster hit the spot. It was great seeing Chris, Geni & Co. (and thank you, Sully, for my new ego-boosting last name).

In an effort to catch up on all the blogs I've been meaning to post over the past couple weeks, I'm going to give a "best of":

Isabelle sat on a stump at daycare, and so much sap seeped through her clothes that her butt cheeks got stuck together. She has started screaming "I love you" at various cadences, will fart on purpose to get a laugh, demanded her little piano be brought upstairs to be next to our new piano that arrived this week, and enjoys setting the table. And thanks to Nana's recent trip to Scotland, Isabelle is now sporting her very own kilt!

"What's the harm in letting her taste a little pinot grigio?" we asked ourselves. We knew she wouldn't like it since she'd already rebuffed chianti on the flight to Istanbul. But this time things were a little different. "Yum. That was good," she declared after her first--and last--sip of white wine.

We spent Mother's Day at Harkness Memorial Park in Waterford, CT - a favorite spot growing up. Isabelle had a blast with all her CT cousins--especially with flying kites and flying blankets, and learned how to swing a baseball bat!

Happy First Birthday, Sam Sullivan!! The marguerita and sippy cup theme was great!
And Isabelle had her first ride in a "big girl" swing.

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