Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This Baby Is Ridiculous

There's only one way to describe a baby doll who won't open her mouth wide enough for a bottle:

Other stuff:

A near accident on I-93 on the way to Kevin's 40th bday prompts Isabelle to ask, "Mom, are you freaking out?"

Isabelle tests negative for swine flu, dries her hair for the first time and has come to believe that I work at the airport.

She calls vitamin C "medicine C."

After she wakes up and notices my absence, she cries out, "Mommy, I'm your daughter, and I'm crying!"

Every day when we pick her up, we ask, "How was your day?" The answer is always the same: "I played with my baby and her bottle and the blanket." At home she informs us that she needs tools, and once she has a hammer and two screwdrivers in hand, she goes to work on her high chair. Living the dichotomy!

Thanks to the Beach House, she knows what quarters are! And we have a healthy collection of mini-stuffed animals, Red Sox balls and squishy balls.

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