Monday, June 7, 2010

Great Thing to Wake Up to...

Day four in Baghdad... I wake up to a very special message from Dennis:

Just had the sweetest night with Isabelle.
She chose three books, we read them in bed (after brushing teeth and going potty), then turned out the lights. It was still a little light out so we could see each other. I gave her a kiss and told her "I love you so much." She asked why! I gave her like 20 reasons why, then she had to go potty again, and as we were walking into the bathroom, she said "When we get back can you tell me more reasons you love me?" So, so sweet. I gave her a bunch more reasons, and she added some of her own (of why I love her), such as "how I laugh when I make up words". It was amazing. She then tried to tell me she was still hungry, which I didn't buy at all (she had a great dinner of BBQ salmon, corn on the cob and stuffed quahog), and I told he she could have a great breakfast. She asked for a cookie with her lunch. I told her yes. So, so, sweet and amazing. What a great kid. Absolutely no issues with her going to sleep on her own, and that conversation is one I will remember forever.

And that's a message that I will remember forever...

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