Saturday, December 18, 2010

Recently heard...

I love Isabelle's world! It's so beautiful!
While on a swing at an Enchanted Christmas Village in Hyannis.

I'll be the turtle. You be my shell.

Curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor and I snuggle up over her.

President Iraq Obama

Somehow playing with the train under the Christmas tree inspired this.

George Poopy Bush

In a discussion about Iraq Obama, Dennis says, "I can't believe when you were born George Bush was president." Isabelle responds, "George Poopy Bush!" Dennis: "That's what your Mom calls him!"

Dad, I see something pink! Piiiiiiiink!!!
While trying to buy a booster seat. (Perhaps she had been hypnotized by the Gingerbread House we'd decorated earlier in the day.)

The Mouse King didn't really fight with anyone; he just danced around the room.
Analyzing the Nutcracker post-show at Q (Mongolian Hot Pot) in Boston.

Bama. Obama.
During flouride rinse. Every night. Pink bubblegum-flavored liquid dripping down her chin as she giggles while saying it.

I wished for Paris.
We found a feather on the beach in Chatham and told her she should wish on it. After she blew it away, we asked what she wished for. (I saved the feather, and it's going on the Memory Tree.)

Can I buy that? Can I see what it is?
Our Little Capitalist.

Seeing Emma.
Her answer to: "What was your favorite part of The Nutcracker?" We'd met 8-year-old Emma and her parents on Washington Street in front of the theatre before the show. Emma is one of 3 children who plays the sole little mouse. She comes in on a piggyback ride from a larger mouse and then skirts through the Nutcracker's legs. It is the cutest role a kid can have. Hmmmmm.... of the three Boston Ballet schools (where all the kid dancers hail from), which is closest? - Boston? Newton? Marblehead?

Tinkle. Poop. Diarrhea. Boogers.
The 99-percent of the other time she isn't saying things we prefer to write about!

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