Monday, October 29, 2012


Bat girl today, Golden Rapunzel tomorrow!  And throw in a little Weather Girl.

With Frankenstorm brewing, our Weather Girl informs us, "Everyone in the world thinks it is going to rain on Halloween."  Probably right.

NOAA's Coastal Services Center chief says to expect "bodacious impacts"  - uh, really?  Bodacious?

Here's what more aptly adjective prepared experts are saying:  Hurricane Sandy could make Katrina look like a rain shower...Could be the worst storm in a century...$1 billion in damages... might flood NYC subways.  Full moon-powered high tides mean big waves turn into giant ones. It's a worst case scenario, they say.

Schools (and Principle Pictures offices) are closed for the day.  The fridge is stocked and the generator is ready-to-go.    

What do you think of the storm, Isabelle?  "I think I should dance in the rain!"  Yes.  Yes you should.

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