Sunday, April 13, 2008

Especially Strawberries

The first strawberry was quickly followed by the second and third. When those were devoured, a fourth and fifth weren't far behind. Fortunately, two professional photographers were on hand at the St. Francis Winery in Sonoma to capture it all - giving us an opportunity to enjoy this "paparazzi" moment.

The next day we stopped at Whole Foods hoping to pick up Zweiback (they don't carry it), and I found myself reading a book about making your own baby food (love the concept, can't imagine the execution... but I suspect it would go something like my canning experiment a few years ago. The short version: Everyone we know received "Beth and Dennis' Excellent Turkey Soup" for Christmas, and I soon became terrified that I had poisoned everyone when I mistook the pungent smell of broccoli rabe--I thought I'd bought baby broccoli--for botulism.) According to this book, what's the Number One food to avoid during baby's first year? Berries. Especially strawberries.


Unknown said...

Striking! This is an amazing picture... I assume you've got it blown up to poster size by now??

eaglediver said...

Beth, We love this picture if Isabelle. Brittany loves strawberries as well. When she had her first strawberry,when she was 9 months old, it was at the Florida Strawberry Festival. She just loved them and kept eating them. Of course the recourse of that action was felt later in the day with several disastrous diaper changes. I am glad Lynn found this blog, can't wait to see you guys soon. Love, Skip, Lynn, Brit and Meg...