Sunday, April 20, 2008

Peanuts, Cracker Jacks and... Green Peppers!

Front row at the EMC Club - not bad for Isabelle's first baseball game! Thanks Uncle Orvie and Auntie Kelly!

Before we took our seats, Isabelle held a World Series ring which was quickly snatched away when she started chewing on it. Then through this white table-clothed world we went... "Go out this door, and stop when you get right behind home plate," the concierge told us.

The Boston Globe described "upstairs at Fenway" this way in an article back in April 2006: "The Red Sox's new $275-a-game haven is perfectly designed to appeal to the rich, the very rich, and the merely well connected. The little touches are everywhere. Valet parking attendants stand ready to take ticket holders' cars. Heaters above the seats -- think french-fry warmers -- protect the bigwigs from Boston's often-chilly weather. They can be escorted to batting practice and visit the Green Monster to get their photos taken. Even the restrooms come with fresh flowers and scented soap. No troughs here."

Wait a minute!! Batting practice? Photos at the Green Monster?? Next time... Oh, and tickets now cost $300 a game, but the modest family sitting behind us snapped up four seats on game day for half price.

And although crab cakes and lobster rolls were offered on the menu, we stayed loyal to our Fenway franks and Italian sausages... giving Isabelle a chance to enjoy her first green (monster) pepper -- much to Uncle Orvie's horror...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm growing worried that Isabelle's going to do more in her first year than I've done in the last five. That's not possible, right? anyone?