Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pool Chase

Isabelle has been enjoying her evening swims at the Holiday Inn pool. First, though, she likes to warm up with a run!

Isabelle turns 15 months on Saturday - also the date of Nana's BIG retirement party! Congratulations, Nana! We suspect that you'll be even busier in retirement than you are now - if that's possible!

Mom & Dad Report: We're doing well with no bottle going to bed (still having one around 4/5am), and are slowly easing our way into allowing her to fall asleep on her own. There's no more snuggling until sleep comes, but she likes knowing we're in the room even if we're just reading with a little book light on her couch. At dinner last night she picked up every different ingredient in her fish stew and asked what it was before popping it in her mouth. And this morning at breakfast she consistently added "please (peez)" everytime she asked for more pineapple. Giant legos and Thanksgiving books (how does that crazy doggy bake a pumpkin pie?) top the list of new activities this week. And my absolute number one recommendation: the Learning Tower Step Stool. With it, Isabelle is right up there in all the kitchen action where she wants to be!

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