Monday, November 10, 2008

What She's Up To (and by she, we mean you!)

Some new stuff that our Little Gorilla is treating us to:
Lots of 360s when she's dancing... saying her name... pointing to the - and saying - mooooon... loving her new pink suede boots... knowing the colors yellow and blue... reading "Goodnight Bush" (a fantastic parody of "Goodnight Moon" that we now happily refer to as "Goodbye Bush")... walking inside the house from the car... carrying her Thomas The Train lunchbox or her orange, sequined pumpkin purse... squealing with laughter at Baby Isabelle on AppleTV... confusing cold and hot (everything is hot, including the freezer)... reorganizing the refrigerator... eating pickles... saying "cheers" as she bumps her blueberry juice to our wine... making kissing noises to call the kitty... sneaking bites of kitty food... going into the voting booth with Daddy (this dovetailed nicely with saying Obama)... hugging crying babies... helping Mommy cook... attempting to get herself dressed (she has mastered the head through the shirt, but that's where it ends)... loving the polar bears at the Central Park Zoo... raising her arms and waving them in the sky when we ask "How much do we love you?"

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