Monday, December 15, 2008

... and then some!

That's the answer to... The Marion Christmas Stroll: Was it everything we expected?

We had a phenomenal day with Nicole, Eric, Danielle, Toc, Kristen, Ali, Katie, Mike and all the kids! Although we missed Santa's big arrival by boat (we couldn't pull Isabelle away from Nicole's amazing shrimp bisque!), we caught him before he took off on the clydesdales. Isabelle started the day having a nervous breakdown everytime one of the dogs came around, and ended the day chasing after every dog she laid eyes on. Ah, progress! (I was always afraid of dogs growing up, and I'm trying really hard not to pass that on to her... I figure if my Mom could do it with swimming, I should be able to do it with dogs!)

Isabelle--as Baby Mrs. Claus-- and Gracie--as the naked elf--were so sweet playing hide-and-go-seek with the living room curtain! REALLY playing together - which isn't so typical at this age. Maybe it's because they both rock! We captured lots of pictures and video for their weddings! Audrey Grace was precious on her FIRST stroll! We missed her Dad, Ryan, who's recovering from back surgery.

I'm now officially in the holiday spirit! Which means it's time for the pumpkin to come off the dining room table...

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