Monday, December 8, 2008

I'll Get You!

One of Isabelle's favorite games is playing chase. When she wants to initiate the game she looks over at one of us and yells, "I'll get you!" And then takes off running!

Highlights from the past couple weeks:

--We didn't realize that Wow! was out of food. But Isabelle did! She appeared next to us with his empty bowl in one hand and his entire bag of food in the other.

--After being away for five days over Thanksgiving, we pulled into the driveway, and Isabelle shouted, "Home! Mommy, Daddy, Wow!"

--INN (Isabelle News Network) is the only thing she associates with computers and televisions. So, whenever she catches a glimpse of one she points and repeats, "Isabelle, Daddy! Isabelle, Daddy!" until we call up the blog or YouTube. (After all, Mom is usually the one working the camera.)

--She loves giving kisses through the glass shower door.

--More and more often she's stringing two and three words together.

--Isabelle is very good at being in charge of the kitty... telling him what to do, and, more importantly, what not to do! Kitty on the kitchen table is cause for the most finger waving admonishment.

--Chalk, like its waxy cousin crayons, is a meal not a toy. But we'll keep trying!

--The pronunciation of "book" has gone from "boooo, booo" to "boooo" "kkkk"

--Isabelle is a master door and drawer closer which comes in quite handy, as I seem to have been born with a missing door/drawer closing gene.

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