Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Go Daddy!

"Daddy swims in the pool AND the ocean, and he rides the bike and he can run, too," Isabelle shared with us after the Hyannis Tri. Dennis finished 9th in his division, and came in second if you count him and Tracy (way to go, Rockstar Trac!)! It was great to see Auntie Peg (who is probably still scraping smushed fruit bar off her seats), and not so great to let the guilt set in about not actually doing it.

Here's also what up:

Isabelle is giving me a little ego boost by calling the Elmo & Julia Roberts video on YouTube "Elmo and Mommy." It would be a bit more satisfying if Julia weren't full-on 1985.

She doesn't just say "again" anymore; she says, "one more time" -- which, of course, means ten more times.

When I guide Isabelle's fingers to play "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" on the piano, I only use her pointer finger. Cheryl (who Isabelle loves and requests kisses from) taught us that I need to teach her to keep all her fingers extended because it will really help her to understand form from the beginning. So happy to know that! She also gave us a couple piano books, and says she can start giving Isabelle lessons at 2.5.

It's Ryan and Megan's wedding this weekend! Psyched to be docking at the Newport Yacht Club. Isbelle is heading to Gales Ferry to hang with Grami and Grampi. On Saturday they're taking her to pick strawberries with Anika and Elli.

I found new office space today, and decided I cannot live without it. And am so happy with our new CFI.

When Nana took Isabelle to the store yesterday, Nana commented on a passing stoller, "Look, Isabelle, a baby!" "No, Nana," Isabelle said looking at the twin boys, "there are two babies."

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