Monday, June 8, 2009

Yogurt Scares Me

Awesome day on the boat with Aunti Bri, Erin, Molly, John, Alby and Louis (who was taking a break from his bartending duties). In the picture the girls are hoping Isabelle will go for the high five! First stop: getting gas in Onset (if the high schoolers working at Fiddlers had answered our call to come to the fuel dock, we would've gotten gas at our marina and paid 50 cents more a gallon - which adds up with a couple hundred gallons!). Then we went to the Chart Room and Isabelle stretched out over the dock to watch the jellyfish and be a part of the action with the older kids using nets. I caught a "sleeping" crab. Up at the restaurant, she and I scaled the rocks down to the beach--she loves her new water socks--and played with the seaweed, popping the bubbly sections. In the bathroom she answered a woman's "How old are you question" with "My happy birthday is in August and I'll be two." It's one thing to hear her say it to us - but it was quite something for her to announce this to a total stranger while sitting on the potty in a crowded public bathroom. We missed most of the mud slide action back at the table! On the ride back, John was the brave one to take a dip. SO great to finally meet the Hearts on Fire crew!!!

"Yogurt scares me," is the quote of the day (from Daddy) - appropriate as Isabelle was already fully washed and dressed before breakfast (before asking for yogurt she wanted goldfish and mac and cheese - what have we done???). After a ridiculously fun day of boating yesterday, she wasn't too keen on the idea of playing with her daycare friends. "I want to play with Mommy and Daddy," she told us after we mentioned her BFFs Genevieve and Cici (and please everyone remember what we learned -- being a BF is better than being a...).

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