Monday, March 1, 2010

The End of an Era: Pre-School Begins

Isabelle started pre-school today. She's 2 years and 6 months old, and only a recent state law change makes it possible for her to move up before the 2 year 9 month milestone. Now, pre-schools are allowed to have two underage kids in the class. Great timing! While we are so excited to welcome Miss Joyce, Miss Mary and Miss Amy into our lives, it's hard to say goodbye to Miss Shannon and Kate who Isabelle--and her parents--absolutely adore!


How can I put this,
Miss Shannon and Kate?
You two are magnificent!
That’s fancy for great!

You fed me my bottle
Well before I could talk
And when my crab crawl was ending
You then helped me to walk

You watched me take my first steps
And heard my very first words
You’re so special to me
It’s almost absurd!

You always held me so tight
When the choo-choo passed by
You pushed me high on the swing
And bought new outfits for Mcfly

Thanks for getting so excited
About all my adventures in pottyland
It seemed like everything I did
You thought was just grand

When you played Boom Boom Pow
It always made me boogie and shout
I guess it’s just the country music
Mom said I could do without! (smiley face)

The turkeys, the reindeer
The sweetest album and holiday notes
Mommy and Daddy will cherish forever
All the precious things that you wrote

Now that I’ve moved on to pre-school
I’ll miss both of you so much
But I’ll see you on the playground
For lots of kisses and hugs!!!

Isabelle & The Polka Docks

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