Thursday, May 15, 2008

Chart Room Opens For the Season

(To Left: Tammy, Dennis & Isabelle, Genevieve, Liz.
Below: Isabelle's 1st lobster bite!)

Famous for its baked stuffed lobster, over-sized lobster salad sandwiches and picturesque sunset views, the Chart Room is the perfect place to usher in the summer. We weren't sure we'd make the big opening - I had spent a good part of the day in NYC (the New York Women's Foundation breakfast was so inspiring), and Isabelle had been sent home sick from daycare (we think she just wanted to spend the day with Dad!).

Turns out lobster newburg is Isabelle's favorite dish! And I have no trouble taking credit for that. I have the fondest memories of my 10th birthday. My mother, who was working full-time and had a 3 AND 4-year-old, somehow found the time to prepare lobster newburg served over carefully-trimmed triagulated toast. I can still taste it!

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