Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

(Below: Auntie Bri, Matt, Heather, Olivia, Katie, Mike and Allison are all on board for the first voyage of the season!)

The 2008 Inaugural Boat Ride! We set up a playpen in the aft cabin, filled it with some new toys and ocean/summer-themed books, and we were off! First to the Chart Room. Then on to Marion's Tabor Academy for Grace Long's 1st Birthday party where Mom Nicole whipped up the most delicious fajitas, and the party theme was like none you've ever seen: a pinkish, purplish, greenish, garden, butterfly and pirate party. And, yes, all aspects of the theme were well represented! We pulled up right on the Tabor dock, which we realize would be quite a nice commute if Isabelle does go there for high school (we'll just need to convince her that playing sports with the guys by the ocean in a bikini isn't the best idea). We did enjoy that they guys were blasting Ozzy, though. After napping (and possibly drooling) all over Nicole and Eric's couch, we continued our voyage to New Bedford, overnighting at Pope Island Marina (Super Simon helped us with the key), and taking in the Fairhaven Memorial Day parade in the morning.

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