Tuesday, April 21, 2009

An Eventful Last Day at 19 Months

Isabelle's last day as a 19-month-old included (on the downside) ear infection and asthma diagnoses and (on the upside) making it through a WHOLE day in same underpants - not one accident from 7AM to 10PM! (Today was Day 6 in underwear.)

We knew something was really wrong when she came home from daycare last night and announced, "I want to go to bed now! Bed, now!" She wants lots of things "now," but bed is typically not one of them. And it was clear she was feeling achy, "My elbow! My knee!" she repeated. She didn't want any dinner, and also had no interest in pull ups for bedtime. Even though we haven't put the mattress pad cover on yet, we don't have any interest in forcing pull ups when she wants underwear. As we snuggled beside her in the middle of the night, I awoke with a warm, wet feeling that could only mean one thing. Just as I thought it, she lifted her head up slightly--eyes still closed, still fast asleep--and whispered, "Tinkle."

About the asthma - doctor says she has a mild case. He gave us a nebulizer, a handful of prescriptions (including something with steroids), and sent us on our way. We're in the process of tracking down a specialist in Boston to learn more. In the meantime, Daddy found a way to celebrate Isabelle's first ear infection (as you can see from the red paint on her dress, she also spent a good part of the day at the easel):

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