Thursday, April 16, 2009

Elmo Underwear!

Today was Isabelle's first full day in underwear! We were planning to start full-time undies in a couple days, when we could be with her round-the-clock. But this morning she insisted on underwear, and there was no way we were going to force a diaper on her when she's screaming, "Underwear! Underwear!" As Auntie Briana said, "She'll tell us when she's ready." And today was her day.

I didn't think I could not love Little Kids any more than I already do... but today I fell more in love with them. When we announced the underwear situation to Bonnie this morning, she was so excited. When Dennis picked her up, she said, "Tammy says, 'Don't go back!'" Their support not only means the world to us, but, I believe, means the difference between underwear success and underwear failure. Thank you, LKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isabelle had two accidents today at school - both in the afternoon. And tonight there were two accidents and three goes. I think all of this is pretty damn amazing for someone who goes the bathroom about 1,000 times a day! We are definitely not going back to diapers. I've been very skeptical about the whole pull-ups thing, but Auntie Mo has convinced me that they're a good idea for nighttime.

I'm so proud of Our Little Sweetie. This was a BIG day.

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