Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy Birthday, Anika

Dennis and Isabelle met me at the airport, and we headed straight to CT for Anika's second birthday party, singing Happy Birthday the whole way.

It was a combo hat and ladybug party (selected by the birthday girl herself!) and we opted for a Turkish theme--Isabelle as the TurkCell character, Dennis as Sultan and me in an itchy whirling dervish hat. We have to admit, we were quite surprised to walk in and see no one wearing a hat! Could it be because we were hours late? But Diana and Charlie didn't have any trouble getting back into the spirit of things!

The mini lemon cupcakes had fresh flowers, and it was great that all of Anika's grandparents were here (Mary and Tom making the trip from Florida!) When Anika was opening her presents, I shared some additional gifts from Afghanistan - and Elli was resplendent in the traditional (and jingly!) handmade dress, pants and headscarf.

Around 9pm, everyone was fading fast (Anika still fighting some pink eye). Isabelle and I fell asleep in about five minutes (after a quick--and requested--story about the doggy who took a plane to Paris). At 1am, though, I was wide awake, and there's really no future sleep in sight! The next morning Isabelle pointed to the bathroom window (where she had waved goodbye to Bonnie the night before), and said, "More Bonnie! More Bonnie!" More Bonnie, indeed! Auntie Bonnie made quite an impression last weekend letting Isabelle pop bubblegum bubbles and telling stories about a beautiful princess named Isabelle.

Cousin RJ tries (unsuccessfully) to keep little fingers out of the frosting!

Throughout the party Ethan would take my dervish hat and exclaim, "I'm pretending to be Auntie Beth!" I could never capture a picture of it, though.

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