Sunday, March 7, 2010

Red Bones, Baby

Isabelle and Olivia were curious about Curious George, but not up for a hug, or even really in a get-within-10-feet-of-him mood! But his house on the third floor of the Children's Museum was a hit. The two little towheads played mini golf, carried a heavy grocery basket together, and styled the hair of mannequin clients at the African Queen Beauty Shop.

Matt and Heather saved the day with a banilla/vabana/nillaba yogurt, and the girls were just scraping the last bit off the bottom of the tupperware when we were informed of the No Eating Policy.

Ultimately, the doorway was the museum's biggest source of enjoyment! WWRPD? What would responsible parents do? It was apparent to all that we didn't have a clue how to answer that question!
Then we went to Red Bones in Davis Square. It was... perfectly caveman-esque. Isabelle and Olivia shared an order of baby back ribs, candied yams and broccoli. Check out the matching shirts Matt got these two little monkeys! Thanks, Matt! (Before meeting up with everyone Isabelle asked Dennis: Is Olivia's Mommy going to be there? Yes. Is Olivia's Mommy Olivia's Daddy's wife?)

We wrapped the day with a Zac Taylor serenade: I ate my ribs... without wearing a bib... the corn bread rocks... and matches my yellow socks...

1 comment:

Baby_Daddy said...

Awesome day for us too! And just of note, we weren't 'reminded' of the no eating policy until after that women's friend left, her yogurt pop eating son in tow!