Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day Weekend in Oak Bluffs!

Isabelle and Daddy spent the weekend on our boat, Vaparetto III, in Oak Bluffs! We headed over Friday around 4:30, arrived to a pretty empty harbor. We immediately set out on the dinghy to a nearby beach, where we played for an hour or two before headed back to the boat to get ready for dinner.

I thought we would head in to town to go to Jimmy Seas Pan Pasta, one of our favorite restaurants anywhere, but Isabelle had other plans... she wanted a quiet evening on the boat, just the two of us. So I broke out the grill, and much to Mommy's chagrin (Beth is in Iraq for the month of June, but we can talk often over Skype), Isabelle had not one, not two, but three hotdogs for dinner! A couple of boat burgers for me, and we called it a night.

Saturday we got up early, I brought over our stroller hoping to go for a long run. Isabelle again had different plans... and the run was cut short after a few miles. We ended up in the park, where we played for while, between bites of our bagels. We then headed back to the beach - this time landing the dinghy in the same spot, but walking through the dunes to a larger beach, where we again played for hours. .

Some nearby older kids (6, 8, and 9 years old) took Isabelle under their wing, and invited her to watch a movie on an ipod touch. Very sweet of them! Then, back to the boat to change and head into town, where we finally got to ride the carosel and get that ice cream (she had been talking about both for days leading up to our trip!). For some reason Isabelle insisted on picking up trash and throwing it in the trash can - not our trash mind you - because in her words "we don't litter".

Big weekend in OB - a great craft fair on the docks until 5pm, then OB closed down Circut Ave to cars (GREAT idea - do it again, and often!). We finally made it to Jimmy Seas, which unfortunately was a disapointing meal. But the table next to us had two kids, 10 and 12, who took Isabelle outside for a while to play. It was during this down time that I first heard about the Manhattan to OB ferry! The family had taken the ferry from 34th St to OB. Took about 4 1/2 hours, cost a lot, but what a great way to get to MV for New Yorkers.

No cars on Circut is amazing - all the restaurant and bars were serving outside, and several bands were playing. Isabelle had a blast dancing the night away! Apparently she was a big hit, as the lead singer wanted to know her name, and the next day several people approached her, and addressed her by name, and told me they saw her dancing!

Aunt Brianna was a trooper, waking up early after going to Jimmy Buffett the night before and catching the 9am Island Queen to meet up with us for the day. After a walk through town, we headed back to the boat, fed some ducks (and some fish!).

We had a wonderful ride back, and ended a perfect Father's Day weekend with my parents coming over to the marina and hanging out on the boat for a while. Immediately after they left, the entire Walker clan, renting my parents house on Silver Beach for the summer, came over and the kids all played on the boat while the adults caught up.

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