Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sabina's First Boat Ride is a Whale of a Time

There's a reason Stellwagen National Sanctuary is one of the top 10 places in the world to watch whales! And it's just a two hour boat ride away for us... and what a trip! Through the Cape Cod Canal into Cape Cod Bay... past Wellfleet's dunes... until Provincetown's Herring Cove Point comes into view and the Long Point Lighthouse seems to take you to the end of the earth. We traveled there (our third trip) over Memorial Day weekend - the Webber fam on board with us! Isabelle and Anika ate their weight in watermelon. We were rockin' and rollin' on the bow watching the whales! Highlights: a mom with her calf and a pod of five whales giving us a blow hole concert.

We overnighted in P-Town Harbor (the P is definitely for Partaaay!), and wrapped up the weekend with a fabulous BBQ back at the marina (kale salad madness) where we were joined by Jim, Jane, Bri, Meaghan and Corey.

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